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Siloed // The Updates

Rural Montana

This project, as with any feature-length documentary, takes time, commitment, and intention. My team and I are working to create a story that is educational in the realities of rural healthcare, and rural motherhood.


Rural maternal health is not a matter of facts and figures, it’s a matter of real people, and so our goals for this film are twofold; to raise awareness, and create a universal connection to these stories.


We’re attempting to build a bond between a viewer who cannot fathom frontier life and families that are living it. Only from this connection will others take action.

Healthy communities start with healthy mothers. Montana communities are supported by mothers almost regardless of how healthy they are.


Let’s raise awareness for these women so that they can finally get the support they deserve and need.

Hazel Cramer
Siloed Film Director


To see a moving teaser for the film, head back to the home page.

These photos serve as a visual teaser for Siloed, so no captions or story details will be provided at this time. Click photos for titles.

When a Doctor Has Wings

In the Boonies

Self and System Change

Baby Number 7

Siloed will be released Spring 2024.

More information to come.
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